Springfield Side Kick Dog Training

Transforming the relationship between you and your dog

National Train Your Dog Month

  •  Training increases bond and communication in a positive way 

  • As a dog owner we should always be training our dogs anytime we are interacting with them through positive reinforcement. 

  • One of our obligations as a dog owner is to teach them how to make better choices and live in our world with our expectations. 

  • Dogs not only need physical exercise, but mental exercise is just as important . 

  • To enjoy your dog and have a healthy relationship with your dog, the training should always be enjoyable.  

For an owner who just got a puppy, you need to commit at least two full years of consistent training to help your dog be well adapted in our world.

As for older dogs, you can always train a dog of any age.  Older dogs, even though they may have slowed down a bit, still need mental and physical exercise. 

Today we are going to focus on training the family pet dog. There are 3 categories to focus on consistently in training.

  1. Socialization

  2. Physical exercise

  3. Mental exercise

Today in the studio, we have Bernadette.  Bernadette is currently up for adoption being fostered by Side Kick Dog Training. Bernadette was a stray who came to Side Kick dog training a few months back and is around 7 years old.  Since Bernadette has been with us, she has learned basic skills, public manners , and some tricks!

Today we are going to target the 3 categories of training and be demonstrating fun training activities that don't even seem like training. 

Socialization: Taking your dog on errands whenever you can.  Take them to dog friendly stores, parks, or on a beer run. 

Mental Exercises: can be any session of training making their brain work.  Such training can be scent work games, finding treats in the grass, hiding Easter eggs with treats in them, food puzzle games, learning new tricks and Bernaette will demonstrate. 

Physical exercises: Exercising with your dog through hiking or parkour.  In canine parkour we want our dogs to interact with the environment.  They do this by balancing on objects like a narrow beam , retaining wall, log, or platform.  Putting  2 or 4 paws up on different objects that are different in size, texture, and uneven. Having dogs go under, over, or though obstacles give the dog a challenge, exercising their mind and body.  Training that doesn't feel like training!  

Bernadette will demonstrate her parkour skills with the platform. 

National Train Your Dog Month

© 2018 Springfield Side Kick Dog Training, LLC.