Short Hair=Low Maintence?
Do short haired dogs need grooming?
All dogs need to have their hair brushed and nails trimmed. Removal of the dead coat, distribution of oils, and healthy feet are the most important reasons. If you are like me I dread the mess it makes putting my dog in the shower and my back is never happy with me after bending over to scrub my dog. So in that regard I love taking my dog to the groomer and let them deal with all the mess. My dog comes back smelling great, toenails nicely rounded, and there is less hair to be shed in my home.
Even short hair dogs shed….
Short haired dogs (hair length less than one inch) tend to get less grooming attention because the owners don’t recognize the necessity and the benefits of regular brushing and bathing. You can have your dog bathed as often as needed if a dog shampoo and conditioner is used. If your dog is sleeping in your bed, on your couch, and snuggling with you more frequent baths for hygiene is a must. Once a week bathing is recommended or as often as your dog gets themselves dirty. You can also use a “dry shampoo” for spot cleaning between baths. Many owners will opt for a trip to the groomer every two weeks or once a month.
I have a groomer take care of all my dogs at least once a month and I brush in between visits. My family of side kicks include a super short hair dog, a couple of short double coated dogs, and a longer hair double coated dog. Using a stiff bristle brush and a zoom groom on my shorter haired dogs keeps shedding down and the natural oils on the skin. I use a wire brush on my longer coated dog and sometimes a comb for his fluffy pants.
My dogs are part of the family. We enjoy snuggling on the couch, sleeping in the bed, and riding in the car together. Keeping them clean is important for the health of their skin but also for keeping my house clean. Using a professional groomer is convenient and takes some of the physical labor out of the dog maintenance.
Keeping the skin clean and healthy is important for short haired dogs too.
When the groomer bathes my dogs she uses a special shampoo to de-shed them and she blows them dry to get all the undercoat out. The nails are nicely rounded with a dremel. Ears are checked for debris and cleaned. She also trims the paw pad hair on the dogs who need it. I love that they are fresh and clean when I pick them up. My back appreciates it and my house is much cleaner!
Samantha is our grooming technician at Side Kick. She helps keep all the dogs clean and healthy. Find out how we can conveniently help your side kick smell better and shed less. Call our office today to schedule a doggie spa day. 417-425-5944.