Side Kick Dog Training Moves to Ozark
Side Kick Dog Training has moved to Ozark MO. Conveniently located at 2150 State Hwy NN.
Side Kick Dog Training has moved! For ten years, locally owned and operated Springfield Side Kick Dog Training has been the premier dog training facility serving SWMO. Our focus is transforming the relationship between you and your dog. We have moved to
2150 N. State Hwy NN, Ozark, MO 65721, formally Club WagMore.
Side Kick offers;
5 Star Boarding
Doggie Spa
Training Academy
Playful Daycare
Private Coaching
Arya and Caymus enjoying the Playful Daycare.
All services will be held at our new location
2150 N State Hwy NN, Ozark, MO 65721
Our continued hours of operation will be;
Monday - Friday Drop-off/Pick Up Hours 7am-9am & 4pm-6pm
Saturday - Sunday Drop-off/Pick Up Hours 9am-10am - 5pm-6pm
(daycare by appointment only on weekends)
Hera is practicing her scent work during a training session.
Our new location offers 7 acres of beautiful surroundings. There is easy access to the property, but also provides a quiet peaceful atmosphere located just off the Finley river. It’s the perfect getaway for you and your furry side kick. We are excited to offer all of our services while having the opportunity to grow and offer additional training needs for you and your furry friends.