Taking your dog to the workplace
Dogs in the workplace have proven to increase productivity, reduce stress and improve morale. In this month’s blog, we are going to look at the benefits of bringing dogs into the workplace and focus on two local businesses that allow dogs.
Focusing on a project for too long without breaks can often cause more stress and decrease productivity. Dogs in the workplace will remind us to take breaks. Taking your dog for a walk or playing a short game of fetch will give your mind a break from your project. When people take a break from a project, they can get more clarity, resulting in higher productivity.
Having a team that is meeting their deadlines due to higher productivity also helps boost morale. Dogs in the workplace can often be a common ground for employees creating a better relationship with your team. The HABRI, Human Animal Bond Research Initiative found that pet owners save $11.37 billion on physician visits. Keeping your employees happy and healthy will increase employee attendance.
Holly Stenger or Murney and Associates takes her 2 dogs, Oliver and Coco, to the office. Oliver and Coco have been going to the office with Holly for 2 years. Holly says that both dogs bring joy to her co-workers. When her co-workers need a break, they will come and hang out with the dogs to de-stress. To learn more about Holly and Murney and Associates click here.
At Kom yoga studio in Branson, MO Sherry brings her Labrador Chase to the studio. Here is Sherry’s story about Chase. “We got him from a sweet family friend when he was just over 8 weeks old. A couple of months later we purchased Kom hot yoga, Branson Mo. Chase’s first trip to work with me was before construction began. He came to the studio as construction continued (when it was safe in the building). I have always wanted the ability to keep my dog with me all the time. I’m not a fan of leaving him home alone. I don’t think it bothers him, but I sure believe he’s a happier dog when he gets to accompany his family wherever we go. When we opened, May 2020, he had been in the space multiple times and was very comfortable there. He was all too happy to greet yogis at the studio. Now when I say “let’s go to work” he goes to the hall tree and gets his leash and sits and waits for me to leave for the day. Chase loves his yoga family! He happily waits for yogis to complete class so he can give hugs and get love from all his favorite humans. When he doesn’t come with me on my long workdays, he is missed and students often ask where he is. Chase brings extra joy and calming to his friends when he is with us in the studio.” To learn more about Kom Yoga click here.

Pets in the workplace are beneficial, but, just like their owners, dogs need to be happy and healthy. Proper precautions need to be in place to keep everyone safe. Dogs need to be groomed properly, be up to date on vaccinations, and be properly introduced to other pets that come to work with their owners. Owners need to communicate with other co-workers about their dog’s training and dietary needs.
Employees shared that bringing dogs into the workplace has helped morale, has given a better balance work-life, reduced stress, improved productivity, and helped them build their clientele.
Written by Mande Bailey
Springfield Side Kick Dog Training 2021