Halloween Safety for Dogs
Fall is here and fall festivals are in full swing. All Hallows' Eve is the grandest festival of all. It’s a fun night that the whole family, including your furry side kick can enjoy. Before all the fun is had going trick or treating, it’s important to prepare with these safety tips.
Check your dog’s costume for any small pieces they could chew up and ingest.
Choose a costume that is going to fit your dog properly and be comfortable. Make sure that your dog’s costume won’t restrict any natural movement. Take some time before the big night to try on your dog’s costume and see if they are comfortable in the costume. If your dog is showing and distress from their costume or doesn’t like to wear clothes, it’s better to let your dog just wear their furry birthday suit.
When you take your dog out trick or treating, make sure they are highly visible and have their identification tags on. Ways to make them more visible are with a lighted collar or a tag light.
Other ways for your dog to be seen are with reflective tape on their costume or a reflective leash.
“Reflective dog equipment can reflect against car headlights and other light sources that will allow people to see your dog and avoid accidents.”
After the trick or treating is over and the kids are checking out all their sweet treats, keep in mind that many of these sweet treats are harmful to your dog. Make sure you keep toxic treats away from your dog. Chocolate is toxic to dogs and can be fatal in some instances. Xylitol is also highly toxic to dogs. Xylitol is found in some peanut butter and gum. It’s best that you find a secure place that your dog can’t get to, to store all your sweet treats. If you suspect your pet has ingested something toxic, please call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 immediately.